Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 11 Technorati, Ping and other stuff

Ping is discussed in depth on wikipedia. Quite simply, Ping is a program that tests the quality of a network between two computers, via an IP address. It also tests how long the roundtrip takes and how much information is lost during the process.

Technorati, authority?? What does it all mean. Well Technorati is a way that your blog can be noticed or found by using the Technorati search engine. Your page is assessed and read by the search engine, however there is a difference. It reads the entire HTML, not just the first few hundred words. There is however some conflict in the effectivness or legitamcy of a the authority or ranking attached via Technorati. It has been suggested that it failed to take into account the 56 million MySpace pages. It is almost as though Technorati is quite selective or has created and artificial ranking. To increase your ranking and gain authority your blog must incorporate links to other blogs or sites.

Technorati Authority is the number of blogs linking to a website in the last six months. The higher the number, the more Technorati Authority the blog has. (Technorati)

Technorati Rank is calculated based on how far you are from the top. The blog with the hightest Technorati Authority is the #1 ranked blog. The smaller your Technorati Rank, the closer you are to the top. (Technorati)

The best way to increase your Technorati Authority is to write things that are interesting to other bloggers so they'll link to you. Linking to source material when you blog is also a great way to engage in conversation and help others find what you find interesting. (Technorati)

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